The End of Grapeshot, The Beginning of a New Era in Targeting

September 10, 2024

Attributed by Semasio

The End of Grapeshot, The Beginning of a New Era in Targeting

With Oracle’s recent decision to sunset the Grapeshot capabilities and exit the market, the AdTech landscape is undergoing a significant shift for many organizations.

Many vendors claim that they were the primary supplier of data or technology to Oracle for Grapeshot, but that raises questions about how many “primary” suppliers Grapeshot actually had. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security by these claims. This change isn’t the end–it’s the opportunity to experience everything else the market has to offer and the start of a new chapter for innovation, growth and the creation of even better marketing experiences.

As one door closes another opens, and with our platform, we’re here to lead the way, providing the perfect alternative for marketers seeking to elevate their targeting strategies. By harnessing cutting-edge semantic technology, AI, and real-time programmatic capabilities, we ensure your campaigns remain precise, impactful and future proof. Our comprehensive suite of solutions harmonizes audiences, contextual targeting, and brand alignment on a unified platform and even offers the ability to transform audiences or data into contextual targets. Employing an ID-agnostic approach, we empower marketers to efficiently connect with consumers, no matter how they are identified, both now and in the dynamic future.

A Perfect Alternative

While Grapeshot provided valuable contextual targeting services, our platform offers an enhanced all-in-one solution designed to meet the challenges of today’s fast evolving digital world. Here’s how we stand apart:

1. A Unified Approach to Targeting and Brand Alignment

Our platform brings together audience targeting, contextual targeting, and brand alignment in one seamless system. Marketers can transform data or their favorite audiences into contextual targets for a seamless hybrid approach to reaching the right consumers at the right time while easily managing their campaigns without the need for multiple tools, maximizing efficiency and minimizing complexity.

2. ID-Agnostic for the Future of Privacy

In today’s privacy-conscious environment, identification methods are changing rapidly. Our platform operates with an ID-agnostic approach, meaning you can connect with your audience effectively—whether or not traditional identification methods are available. This future-proof design ensures you're ready for the challenges of tomorrow.

3. Proven Results and Global Trust

From Fortune 500 companies to emerging brands, we’ve earned the trust of a diverse client base around the world. Our platform's proven ability to deliver accurate, performance-driven campaigns means you can rely on us to maintain—and even surpass—the results you were achieving with Grapeshot.

A Closer Look at Advanced Targeting Capabilities

The Semasio platform offers a range of powerful targeting options, giving you the tools to create personalized campaigns at scale:

  • Audience Targeting: Leverage both pre-build and custom audiences to ensure your message reaches the right people with a perfect fit
  • Audience Extension: Expand your reach by identifying and targeting consumers who share traits with your most valuable customers.
  • Contextual Targeting: Target pages, not people by using context to reach consumers based on the content they engage with, enhancing privacy while maintaining precision.
  • ContextualPLUS Targeting: Take targeting to the next level by predicting where your ideal customer is most likely to be, amplifying your brand’s reach with data-driven accuracy.
  • Brand Fit: Ensure your brand’s message aligns with the most relevant content, while avoiding placements in unsuitable context to avoid conflicts

Seamless Transition, Immediate Impact

We understand that transitioning from Grapeshot may seem daunting, but our team is here to make it seamless. Our audience and contextual experts can help map your current strategies into our capabilities, ensuring that your campaigns keep running smoothly without interruption. You won’t miss a beat.

Ready to get started?

Reach out to our team: or visit us at

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