Realize your full data potential

Maximize advertising efficiency and enable better decisions with expertise that lies at the intersection of human behavior, semantic technology, and real-time predictive targeting.

Your platform and partner for

a privacy-first world

always-on segments

hands-on control

media strategy and activation

a privacy-first world

Your platform and partner for

a privacy-first world

always-on segments

hands-on control

media strategy and activation

a privacy-first world

Segment Activation

Segment activation

Deploy always-on or custom targeting segments built with best-in-class technology

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Hands-on implementation

Hands-on implementation

Drive efficiency via transparent segment-building access across ad targeting methods

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Media strategy and activation

Media strategy & activation

Engage top-tier media planning and buying that supports brands and agencies of all sizes

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Distribution and modelling

Distribution & modeling

Model and distribute data for programmatic ecosystem use but in a privacy-forward way

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See what others can’t

Go beyond keywords with predictive intelligence that delivers accurate targeting by understanding the true meaning of content - and the consumers who engage with it.

Semasio Factory

Be first, be remembered

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Enhance team collaboration with transparent segment creation

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Benefit from real-time context updates in 2.1 seconds, on average, vs 18-24 hours of other providers

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Achieve up to 20% lift in reach, capturing highly-engaged consumers interacting with newly published content

Next-gen semantic edge

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Understands content in the world’s most used languages, from English and Spanish to Chinese

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Analyzes page content to comprehend the meaning

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Creates unique semantic profiles for both pages and people using the the 128 most significant terms and phrases

Connect to all customers

Leverage an ID-agnostic future and reach consumers no matter how they are identified.

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Refines continuously based on Billions of page impression observations

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Replicates behavior stored on external ID sources

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Resolves segment membership to the ID(s) accepted by the activation platform

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Eliminates the client burden of managing multiple ID landscapes

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Enables multiple ID formats for outbound activation

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Ensures the highest observable reach is achieved

Where audiences meet context and scale

Discover the power of optimal results with zero compromises and deliver a balanced approach to advertising and privacy for your business.

Request a demo

Audi Denmark

“The two test campaigns we ran with Semasio and PHD Media Denmark have improved our understanding of what it takes to be successful in the privacy-first era. We have gained valuable insights into how we can continue to reach our target audience through futureproof, intelligent media buying.”

Client Photo

Niklas Theakston

Digital Manager

Read now
A Case Study - Audi Denmark Drives Performance
Semasio Factory

Segment activation

Deploy always-on or custom targeting segments built with best-in-class technology

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Hands-on implementation

Drive efficiency via transparent segment-building access across ad targeting methods

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Media strategy & activation

Engage top-tier media planning and buying that supports brands and agencies of all sizes

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Distribution & modeling

Model and distribute data for programmatic ecosystem use but in a privacy-forward way

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Segment activation icon

Segment activation

Deploy always-on or custom targeting segments built with best-in-class technology

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Hands-on implementation icon

Hands-on implementation

Drive efficiency via transparent segment-building access across ad targeting methods

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Media strategy and activation icon

Media strategy & activation

Engage top-tier media planning and buying that supports brands and agencies of all sizes

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Distribution and modeling icon

Distribution & modeling

Model and distribute data for programmatic ecosystem use but in a privacy-forward way

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Semasio Factory

Leverage and monetize your most valuable resource

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The ability to ingest seed data regardless of the primary identifier used

Instant Cookieless Targeting

Unlock targeting across devices with our Multi-ID and audience to context solutions

Distribution Simplified

Effortless and cost-effective solutions for your data

Platform Activation

Gain semantic insight into the addressable internet

What our customers have to say

"Semasio’s novel approach gives media buyers the flexibility and precision required to run highly-effective campaigns in cookieless environments and is a perfect fit for PubMatic’s clients."

Emma Newman


Case study

"They exceeded our expectations, delivering meaningful results while raising awareness with new audiences."

Laurel VanTassel

Senior Media Director

Case study

"Traditional modeling of TV viewership data relies on cookies and audience segments, Semasio provides us with cookieless modeling that predicts where the specific TV audience will be online."

Ronan Higgins


Case study

"We came with two objectives: reach new consumers and measure impact faster. They over-delivered on both."

Christi Lazar

Marketing Director

Case study

"Competition for fitness consumers online is fierce… we built custom segments that drove unmatched campaign performance."

Helaine Knapp

Founder & CEO

Case study