Poland Spring Wins in the Northeast

“We came to Fyllo with two objectives: reach new consumers and measure impact faster. And they over-delivered on both.”

Christi Lazar

Marketing Director, Blue Triton Brands

Case study






Lift in Brand Awareness vs. Benchmarks


Lift in Brand Consideration vs. Benchmarks


Maintain strong market share in the Northeast and reach new consumers

Reinforce “Fueled by Nature” brand messaging

Focus on better understanding the top performing audiences and channels


Targeted campaign focused on the Northeast

Activate Fyllo Infused Audiences and conquesting segments

Leverage a broad, omnichannel methodology

After acquisition by BlueTriton Brands in 2021, the management team needed to ensure the Poland Spring brand maintained market share in a key DMA while also reinforcing its brand messaging.

To meet this challenge, Fyllo created custom segments comprised of first-movers with a progressive mindset and a propensity to buy via Fyllo Infused Audiences related to fitness.

An omnichannel strategy was used to reach consumers across their device and in different environments.

The campaign outperformed historical brand and campaign benchmarks:

  • Brand Awareness 2.3% over average on an already high base
  • Brand Consideration 4.7% over average
  • VCR of 92.48% over the benchmark of 85%

Consumers reached by the campaign strongly associated the "Fueled by Nature" messaging with the Poland Spring brand by showing positive lift in lower frequency bands. ROAS metrics were strong throughout the campaign. Each subsequent week of data resulted in improvement, culminating in ROAS of $23.70 in the last week and overall ROAS of $8.21 with 33M+ impressions.

Targeting against a more precise geographic area of only the Northeast enabled focused messaging that drove strong brand and sales metrics - and demonstrated success in maintaining strong market share within that same DMA. Fyllo identified top audience segments by engagement, as well as the best channels to engage with those segments across platforms and publishers.

To learn more about Semasio, email sales@semasio.com.

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