Target Back-to-School Audiences from Kindergarten to College

August 6, 2024

Authored by Danielle Hennes, Sr. PMM

Target Back-to-School Audiences from Kindergarten to College

Gearing up for back to school? It's a phrase no one wants to hear in July ( or August)  but the reality is that in some regions students are already preparing to head back to school even during the dog days of summer. Much like the holiday creep we've become accustomed to, back-to-school season is no different.

According to the 2024 Deloitte Back-to-School Survey, spending for K-12 students is estimated to reach a collective $31.3 billion, or approximately $586 per student. This indicates that back-to-school shopping is no longer just about stocking up on pens and notebooks, but so much more from supplies, this category expands to fashion, technology, dorm room essentials and everything in between.

For marketers and brands, this is a strategic opportunity to connect with audiences through the power of targeted advertising for all the back to school needs no matter how big or small.

Let us help you ace this school year with the benefits of audience and contextual targeting:

  1. Precise Reach: Target the exact demographic interested in back-to-school products, ensuring your ads reach parents, students, and teachers.
  2. Improved Engagement: Show relevant ads in the right context, making your audience more likely to engage with your content.
  3. Higher Conversion Rates: Tailoring ads to specific audiences increases the likelihood of conversions, turning views into purchases.
  4. Cost Efficiency: Reduce wasted ad spend by only targeting those most likely to be interested in back-to-school items.
  5. Enhanced Personalization: Customize ads based on audience interests and behaviors, making your message more personal and appealing..
  6. Competitive Edge: Stand out from competitors by reaching niche audiences that generic advertising might miss.
  7. Seasonal Relevance: Maximize the back-to-school season’s potential by aligning your ads with timely and contextually appropriate content.

Increased ROI: Boost your return on investment by effectively reaching and converting the right audience with the right message at the right time.

If that's not enough, we’ve compiled a Back to School Segment Spotlight that highlights all the types of audiences you can connect with. Access Now


As back-to-school season nears, brands can take advantage of  audience and contextual targeting strategies to boost engagement and sales. By understanding their target demographics and aligning with relevant contexts, marketers can create impactful campaigns. Semasio can be your guide in mastering audience and contextual targeting helps your brand stand out during the back-to-school rush.

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